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Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Picture photoshopped by desiree.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

( YAM Care Groups )

YAM Care Groups (C.A.A. 21 April 2009)

In order to be a healthy Christian, one has to learn, serve and fellowship. Currently, most of the young adults are learning (e.g. CBSI, YAM Fortnight Meetings, sermons etc) and serving (e.g. worship team, youth, sunday school etc.). However, fellowship has often occured at a more "superficial" level especially for the newcomers OR that much of the fellowship that we enjoyed are not functioning in the right way.

Thus, in order to encourage healthy fellowship and accountability towards one another amongst the YA community, this "Care Group" system will be implemented.

In order to be part of this "Care Group" system, please kindly email your name to Daryl (! The Groups will be mixed groups and will not exceed 5 people per group. Groups will meet at least once a month. (Do note that YAs meet at a corporate level only during the Sundays of Week 1 and Week 3.) Currently, the servants team are approaching some Adults to help us be facilitators of such care groups.

I understand that some may think that this will segregate the YAM community. Of course it doesn't! What happens within such groups is that Young Adults will have a covenant with one another to be transparent in order to aid accountability. Care groups are more like a support group whereby you know that no matter in whatever situations, these are the group of people that you can always go to for prayer and support or even advice. Please do note that Care Groups are not exclusive in the sense that no one can enter your care groups once it has 5 members. Instead, groups have to be porous and once the number goes beyond 7, then the group will be split up. Also, we have governing policies that all groups must comply with in order to enjoy healthy growth. They are as follows:

Policy Concerning Care Groups in Young Adult Ministry

Purpose and Function
- Mutual accountability for Holy living & Personal Godliness.
-Regular prayer support for spiritual growth & protection against Spiritual attacks.
-Mutual encouragement to reach out to non-believers and to serve each other with God-given gifts and talents.

Formation & Group size
- Group size of about 4-5, no more than 7 for effective sharing.
- Members must agree to actively participate in this care group.
- Mixed gender composition allowed unless there are spiritual concerns.
- Members could either be assigned or self-selecting depending on circumstances.
- Minimum meeting at least once a month depending on current needs.
- Members could decide what activity or program would suit their current needs so long as the desired outcomes are achieved (see point 4).

- Every group must have a leader who is willing to be accountable to the Young Adult Pastor & Deacon. He or she will be the linkperson between the Church and the group.
- Groups must still be committed to Church & YA programs such as Bi-yearly church camp, yearly Young Adults Weekend Away (YAWA), supporting Church Youth Camp, as well as other trainings deemed necessary for the spiritual well-being of the Church.
- Groups must be opened to Newcomers joining in and all members must make very effort conceivable to include newcomers in all interactions and sharing. Failing this, groups may be asked to close or reconstitute.
- Groups must aim to multiply itself when the group size grows beyond 7.
- Groups must strive for the desired outcomes of small groups and avoid the unhealthy signs.

Desired outcomes
- Members increasingly reflect the character of God as revealed in God’s word, with the fruits of the Spirit becoming more evident in members’ life.
- Members building greater trust and accountability among each other.
- Members having greater concerns for the salvation of others.
- Members using their gifts and social opportunities for the gospel.
- Members serving each other out of genuine love.

Unhealthy signs
- Group becomes an in-group only and closed to new members joining in.
Unhealthy interest in gossip and slander against each other or members outside the group.
- Group becomes critical of the leadership of the church or the servant teams without seeking clarification or reconciliation, showing a lack of submission to the YA pastor and deacon.
- Group becoming focused on social gatherings for sake of social gatherings, neglecting all the purposes for care group.

Ending a group
- Should a group becomes unhealthy the leadership of the church reserved the rights to advise the group to either terminate or reconstitute its members.
- Failing to comply with counsel may result in church disciplinary action being taken for the sake of the unity and holiness of the church of God.
- If the size of the group becomes too big (> 7), the group should split into two smaller groups and start the multiplication process.

If you are thinking the the amount of information is too overwhelming, fret not! Contact any one of the servants team people (Maria, Daryl, Gladys, Marianne, Zuhao) if you have any queries.
Because those involved in this system are supposed to make a covenant with one another to be transparent and to uphold one another in Christ in whatever circumstances(which is actually quite a serious covenant to make), please submit your name to Daryl if you want to be part of the system. (YES! STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO BE PART OF THIS SYSTEM KAYS. IT IS NOT THAT SCARY SINCE WE ARE ALL CALLED TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS WE LOVE OURSELVES!)

Do note that if you are facing any struggles that you are only comfortable with sharing with certain people, you can tell us who you are able to share with courageously. It is reminded to all YAs that whatever is shared within the group will only stay within the group unless the person that shares allows for sharing beyond the care group.

Also, do keep in mind that other considerations such as dislike for certain people, thus not wanting to be in the same group with those people will not be taken into consideration when the young adults are being grouped. Afterall, we ARE called to love one another right (*emphasize)?:)

Pray continually :)

P.S. Accountability requires complete honesty from you and love from God. Accountability is important in all areas of our lives. God made us a family - a team, so that we can work together and encourage one another in our walks with Him.

Ecclesiastes 4:10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.

1 Timothy 4:16: Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Galatians 6:2: Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Romans 15:15:1-2: We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.



@ 12:51 PM by Servants' Team